Your garage door likely weighs between a hundred to three hundred pounds. This immense weight is supported by a set of heavy-duty extension or torsion springs, which load and unload a massive amount of tension each time the door is used. The intense strain that these components are put under gradually causes them to weaken, and over the years they will wear out until they eventually break altogether. It can be extremely dangerous if they fail, so it’s essential to keep an eye out for any signs of wear. Our technicians can quickly and safely replace a set of worn-out extension or torsion springs, so don't hesitate to contact us as soon as you discover a problem.
When Will They Wear Out?
Each time your door moves, the springs are put under a huge amount of tension. They’re designed to withstand this, of course, but after they go through thousands of life cycles they slowly begin to lose their strength. Bear in mind that a busy household can easily use their door more than a thousand times every year, and cheap springs can wear out in as little as three thousand cycles. This means you should always look out for signs of weakening stability, like a door that sags or wobbles when it moves, or one can’t easily support its own weight.
Get Them Replaced Before They Break
When a garage door spring breaks, the tension stored within its coils gets released, and anyone standing nearby can get seriously hurt as a result. Replacing these components before that happens is very prudent and smart, but this type of task can be dangers in its own right. Spring replacement should only be performed by a professional technician, to avoid mishandling things and accidently causing an unintentional breakage.
Let Our Specialists Take Care Of Everything
Contact our team at Garage Door Repair Apple Valley today and let our technicians fix whatever's wrong with your springs. We can adjust their tension to keep them from overstraining, and replace them before or even after they break.